Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Comedy Club essays

Parody Club expositions The Comedy Club was an introduction by Steve Kent in which it managed satire as a mean of medication. He considered it the medication of the spirit. Investigates propose that satire raises the immunes level of T cells. This in its self is a logical marvel wherein research is being accumulated to attempt to clarify why this is occurred physiologically. During his introduction, Steve discusses the intensity of cleverness wherein he states it the two pushes you into difficulty and in the clear. For instance, when somebody tumbles to the ground they regularly use funniness to maintain a strategic distance from however much shame as could be expected. It is as it were your bodys insurance apparatus from feeling. He likewise managed the utilization of funniness to help the reality of circumstances. Studies bolster that individuals who snicker a great deal while determined to have a terminal sickness, they are bound to live longer at that point individuals who giggle less (individual I have no clue about how this was investigated). I feel that cleverness is vital. On the off chance that the world was without humor, I imagine that it would be a deplorable spot to live in. The issue is that not every person has as a lot to giggle at. That is the reason it is significant for individuals like Steve to travel and train individuals what satire is about (obviously he does this in an entertaining way). During his presentation, he utilized the crowd as his props and his story line. This was one way which he got the crowd in question and showed the importance of comedy. He was fantastically interesting and he achieved is mandate by completing two things: 1. Showing us the impact that diversion has; 2. He made us snicker. I would prescribe Steves course on diversion to anybody keen on becoming familiar with the idea of the body and the charming of the spirit. ... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

One of the Most Neglected Answers for Writing a Reserch Paper

<h1> One of the Most Neglected Answers for Writing a Reserch Paper </h1> <p>Order first rate article right now and affirmed masters will do their absolute best to flexibly you with higher caliber at reasonable cost. It is conceivable to consistently contact your essayist to give extra particulars or solicitation data concerning the request's advancement. Remember that changing segments of your work in the act of composing and exploring is typical. Presently it's an ideal opportunity to be certain that your paper is immaculate with the guide of one of our editors! </p> <p>A magnificent diagram has become the most noteworthy advance recorded as a hard copy an eminent paper. You have made it to the finish of the examination paper composing process. Without saying a lot, here are a couple of recommendations that can assist you with composing your absolute best research paper. On the off chance that you might want to compose a flourishing examination paper yo u should adhere to the style and configuration necessities. </p> <p>Methodology segment is only one of the segments of an examination paper. Peruse all of them to completely get a handle on how straightforward it's to acquire An in your assignment.</p> <p>When you start to form a theory about movement, you will be bothered by methods for a rundown of. To help you see better, we'll be handling a couple of significant things that you should know when it has to do with composing research papers. It is fine to reuse investigate subjects, yet it is far superior to choose a point that isn't normal. Select an exploration theme that you want. </p> <p>You may allude to your course reading to find a fitting subject. Something else, perhaps you've recently given an outline instead of making a contention. As a rule, be that as it may, it's only one brief sentence. Peruse however much as could be expected about your subject. </p> <h2>What You Need to Know About Writing a Reserch Paper </h2> <p>The mystery to fruitful logical composing is getting the structure of the paper right. You will get a completely composed paper which has been altered and edited to the most extreme norm. In the event that your statement for an examination paper is very emotional and hard to demonstrate, you can need to reevaluate your position. Your proposition proclamation should be specificit should cover close to what you will talk about in your paper and should be bolstered with explicit proof. </p> <p>The primary explanation is that logical composing is an incredibly specialized, by-the-books kind of undertaking. As a man or lady composing an examination article, with a decent strategy, you ought not have a temporarily uncooperative mind. When the author is delegated, they start taking a shot at your article in accordance with the necessities you have determined in your buy. Our capable essayists can manage pretty much any type of composing task, notwithstanding Math and Physics troubles and significantly more. </p> <p>It's critical to peruse cautiously exposition administrations audits, since you wish to forestall low prevalent administrations. Most papers flexibly the understudies with a wide assortment of issues from which they may pick one to handle. On the off chance that you don't see how and where to start composing an examination paper, we are the organization which you are keen on finding. Your exploration paper will be composed by methods for an exam ination in your field to gracefully you with qualified assistance. </p> <p>A smart thought of the reason and the significant thought of the examination guarantees the appropriate introduction of every thought. By doing this you will get a more clear view on what you truly wish to investigate about. On the off chance that you need to devise a diagnostic research, center around the subtleties you will analyze to all the more likely comprehend the whole thought. It is fundamental to unmistakably explain the point of the work, criticalness the result and framework an assortment of specific assignments, to find the oddity, the functional and hypothetical significance of the examination, its pertinence. </p> <p>Speak to us today to figure out how our dependable journalists can assist you with succeeding whatever phase of the scholarly way you are strolling. At the point when you're satisfied with your work, it's astute to request your companion to edit the report for your advantage. On the off chance that you begin to despise something you've composed, move it to an alternate report, however don't lose it totally as you don't have the foggiest idea whether it might come in helpful later. It's astute to edit your work a few times to bring up the errors that couldn't be seen on the absolute first time. </p>

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Missouri Compromise Essay Example for Free

The Missouri Compromise Essay In 1819, The United States of America was comprised of 22 states. At the time there was an even measure of free states and slave states. Because of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, there were vast sections of land of an area that presently couldn't seem to be settled in the United States. Soon thereafter, the region of Missouri mentioned for statehood (Jones 361). This solicitation set up discussion and struggle between the North and South states. Since the heft of the pioneers in the domain of Missouri were southerners, it was suggested that if Missouri somehow managed to be invited to the Union as a state it would need to be a slave state. Regardless, if Missouri were included it would carefully upset the political the norm. In the midst of this pressure, â€Å"Missouri’s confirmation was stalled† (Jordan 247). During this failure, the region, which we presently call Maine, applied for statehood. Henry Clay, a lawmaker at that point, realized that with Maine applying for statehood, this impasse between slave states and free states could end. Before long, the Missouri bargain of 1820 was the understanding that government officials made to equitably adjust slave states and free states. Also, it was built up that subjection would not be admissible to draw out in the regions north of the 36â ° 30’ scope line (Jordan 247). The problem with the Missouri Compromise was that the trade off was going to support sectional division by sketching out what the free states are in the North and what the slave states are in the South (Jordan 247). The consequence of this trade off would have been a division between the North and the South. Besides, the Missouri Compromise was not satisfactorily adequate enough to keep the North and the South satisfied. As the Missouri Compromise was composed it was made admissible for Missouri to transform into a slave state as long as Missouri didn’t limit the privileges of blacks or whites that moved into Missouri and that Maine would converge into the US as a free state (Jones 362). Despite the fact that the Missouri Compromise was thoroughly considered, it was not the goals to the slave difficulty that individuals anticipate. To be increasingly exact, it achieved the fight among government officials and residents and prompted a bigger feeling of sectionalism. The United States changed into a hand devices, creature power society into an automated, advertise situated society that became visible in the North and West during the 1800s. This time of change was known as the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was during the time the cotton gin was concocted. Eli Whitney developed the cotton gin to help making the picking of cotton simpler (Jordan 248). Unintentionally, the cotton gin rejuvenated subjugation. Developments like the material factories, and tradable parts made the market economy. In the market economy, produce was raised and stock was made available to be purchased in the market. The cash that ranchers and vendors produced using market exchanges was spent to pay for merchandise raised or made by others (Norton 245). There was a market cycle starting to frame. Because of the market economy, cotton began to turn out to be entirely significant and it likewise began to turn out to be progressively rewarding because of the cotton gin. Numerous pilgrims needed to participate on this recently discovered riches so all the pioneers began to move west to develop cotton. Since the pilgrims realized that they would get more cash-flow on the off chance that they had slaves on their homesteads they requested servitude. To oblige the requirements of the new pilgrims the Missouri Compromise was drafted. Show Destiny was a conviction that the United States needed to continue moving west. Moving west and settling in more territory is the result of regional extension. With the mix of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and the Louisiana Purchase states would be made simpler. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 permitted domains to have its own legislature on the off chance that it met a specific measure of individuals living in that region (Jordan 141). As I expressed before in my early on section, the Louisiana Purchase gave the United States a huge number of sections of land of land. It almost multiplied the size of the United States at the hour of the exchange. The Louisiana Purchase gave pioneers land to move west while the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 helped set up statehood and government for regions. On the off chance that the Louisiana Purchase and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 didn’t happen there would be no Missouri Compromise if nobody settled in Missouri. The Missouri Compromise drew out the incongruities inside the government officials of various gatherings and was an establishment to a change in American legislative issues. The nation was continuously isolating into two unmistakable groups, those that favored the southern agrarian, slave holding economy and those that liked to move the nation in a progressively modern course and favored the cancelation, or if nothing else the limiting, of subjection. The goals that Henry Clay recommened that should have been known as the Missouri Compromise of 1820 basically suspended a fight of extraordinary extents until a later date. Word Count: 837 Blueprint Missouri Compromise Before long, the Missouri bargain of 1820 was the understanding that government officials made to uniformly adjust slave states and free states. Moreover, it was set up that subjugation would not be passable to draw out in the regions north of the 36â ° 30’ scope line (Jordan 247). Sectionalism The problem with the Missouri Compromise was that the trade off was going to support sectional division by laying out what the free states are in the North and what the slave states are in the South (Jordan 247). Despite the fact that the Missouri Compromise was extremely considered, it was not the goals to the slave scrape that individuals anticipate. To be increasingly exact, it realized the fight among government officials and residents and prompted a bigger feeling of sectionalism. Modern Revolution and Market Economy In the market economy, produce was raised and stock was made available to be purchased in the market. The cash that ranchers and dealers produced using market exchanges was spent to pay for products raised or made by others (Norton 245). Regional Expansion The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 permitted regions to have its own legislature on the off chance that it met a specific measure of individuals dwelling in that region (Jordan 141). The Louisiana Purchase gave pilgrims land to move west while the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 helped set up statehood and government for domains End The goals that Henry Clay recommened that should have been known as the Missouri Compromise of 1820 just suspended a fight of extraordinary extents until a later date.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Dance yourself fit - Free Essay Example

ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of the study was to encourage young primary 4/ 5 school children to participate in skill based physical activity like dance which has better health benefits then the regular physical education sessions. Methods: An epidemiological cohort study was conducted in randomly selected three schools in Glasgow. 95 children participated out of which 64 underwent 16 weeks of dance training as an additional physical education session in schools by a trained dance professional. Control group (N=31) children attended the regular physical education session of the school. For both the groups measurements were taken at baseline, post 8 weeks and post 16 weeks of the intervention. The aerobic fitness and body fat percentage were the major criteria to assess the effectiveness of the study. Aerobic fitness was measured by 20 m shuttle run test and body fat was assesses by Tanita body composition analyser. Results: A significant improvement in aerobic capacity was reported in the intervention group with mean -1.71  ± SD 1.77; p value 0.001, 95% confidence interval for mean difference was in the range of (-2.34, -1.08). A reduction in body fat was also recorded with mean difference of 2.57  ± SD 18.04; p value= 0.35, 95% confidence interval for mean difference (-2.91, 8.06). Conclusion: The 16 week dance intervention has enhanced the aerobic fitness in children. The study suggests that a well planned entertaining skill based PE session can have p ositive influence upon increasing physical activity levels in young children. INTRODUCTION Physical inactivity is estimated to cause 2 million deaths worldwide annually. Furthermore it contributes largely to medical costs [1]. Engaging in regular physical activity is an essential element in preventing chronic diseases [2]. It is presupposed that improved physical activity in childhood can reduce the health risks associated with inactivity and benefit health both during childhood and adulthood [3]. However in recent years the inflating physical inactivity in children around the world has gathered considerable attention [4, 5, 6]. The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in children has been attributed in part, to decrease in physical activity. The imbalance in energy intake and energy expenditure is a major root for epidemic of child obesity [7]. A large proportion of children in Scotland are insufficiently active in order to gain subsequent health benefits, hence promotion of health enhancing physical activity to children has become a public health priority. G uidelines for Appropriate Physical Activity for Elementary School Children states that children should accumulate at least sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in a day [8]. To a certain limit, a linear dose-response relationship between physical activity and health can be seen [9]. Researches suggest that habitual physical activity levels decreases over the lifespan, hence children are more active than adolescents and further more than adults. Hence it can be proposed that children who do not develop patterns of regular physical activity are at risk of being sedentary adults. The adequate fitness in childhood is likely to carry beneficial biological and behavioural effects into adulthood. Physically active children are more likely to become physically active adults [10]. The declined physical activity in young children today is widely noticeable; computer games and television shows are attracting childs attention and are preferred over play [11]. Chi ldren from sedentary parents are found to be comparatively more inactive then their other counter parts. The triad between physical inactivity, obesity and unhealthiness can be presumed seeing the correlation between the three. Obesity can be relate as a unforeseen trait in a number of chronic diseases and conditions in early and later life like cardiovascular and respiratory problems, insulin resistance (type II diabetes), osteoarthritis, endocrine and metabolic disorders, psychological imbalance etc [12,13]. While evidence proves that physical activity in children improves the bone strength, benefits cardiovascular system, improve glycemic control, improves metabolism, reduce the risk of specific cancers, induce positive state of well-being like self- esteem, self-efficacy, and positive mood states [14,15,16,17,18]. Studies report positive effect of exercise training on cognition in elementary school children [19]. Churchill et al., (2002) suggest improvements in cognition d ue to exercise is mainly on executive function [20]. The inclusion of a healthy dose of vigorous physical activity in schools as a part of the Educational curriculum can improve the overall development of the child. The school has emerged as a critical setting for promoting health enhancing physical activity in children [21, 22, 23, 24]. School is a universal place where every child around the world spends most of his or her time, hence is a key factor in improving physical activity in children. Studies reviewing the effect of school based interventions propose an improved level of health-related knowledge and fitness in children. But in terms of obesity prevention not much effect has been detected. However, some measure of obesity has found to be downsized. Physical education in schools is not sufficient enough to provide notable health benefits. It appears that when children are given free choice, many of them seem to be less active. In order to get the health related effects i t is important to offer skill based physical education sessions like dance, football, rugby etc where children can engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. There are evidence that proves the effect of moderate- vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in weight stability and cardiovascular health [25]. In order to improve physical activity trends in Scottish schools, a school based intervention involving primary school children was developed. The intervention was designed to encourage children to participate in physical activity like dance which is more likely to be welcomed by children of younger age group and to continue it throughout their school career. To upgrade aerobic fitness and to downgrade the fat percentile in children were among the components of the study plan. METHODOLOGY The intervention Dance Yourself Fit focuses on improving the physical activity trends in primary 4-5 school children. Since it has been presupposed that notion of play starts declining by this age. By choosing dance as the mode of exercise, the intervention aims toward enhancing the skill based physical activity in schools along with an increase in the number of physical education (PE) sessions per week. Study design and sampling The Glasgow City Council has randomly selected three primary schools from the same socioeconomic area for the study. 95 healthy 8-9 years old volunteers including 54 girls and 41 boys participated from primary 4-5 classes. The mean weight and height of the participants before the initiation of the study was 30.09 kg with 95% CI (28.428- 131.769) and 132.24 cm with 95% CI (130.75- 133.73) respectively. Each school was visited prior to the start of the study to ensure all potential volunteers, teachers and parents are fully aware of the aims of the study. The method of monitoring and assessment was explained to the students. Adjustment was made by the school to include two physical education sessions per week in their timetable. A qualified dance professional was recruited as a coach to train the students with dance. Normal and healthy is defined as those without any medical condition which can hamper their ability to participate in aerobic exercise. Physical activity and medic al questionnaire were given to the students and those considered unsuitable by the test results were excluded from the participation. Children were instructed to cease exercise if they feel any discomfort. Subjects Intervention group consists of 64 students from all the three primary schools. Control group comprise of 31 students, from one of the three randomly selected intervention schools. Children in the control group follow their normal PE sessions and physical activity and they are monitored followed by the intervention group every time the assessment is taken. The flow chart (figure: 1) represents the availability of children for measurements at each level. Consent for participation in the study was taken from the parents/guardians and the participants. Ethical approval of the study was obtained from the ethical community of the University of Glasgow. Exercise Plan Dance sessions were planned for 16 weeks, twice every week for a period of an hour/session. As per Serbescu C et. al two extra sessions of physical education per week were sufficient to obtain improvement in fitness level of the children [26]. Each dance session has a structured format commencing with 5 minutes of warm up followed by 45 minutes of moderate to high intensity dance moves with target intensity reaching up to 65-80% of maximum heart rate and a short cool down period. Measures All the measurements were taken at the baseline, intermediate (i.e. at the end of 8th week) and final levels by the well trained research staff. Comparison between the three levels was done for both the groups to judge the effectiveness of the intervention. In the intervention group, 44 children were present for baseline and final measurements, 41 for baseline and intermediate and 31 for intermediate and final measurements. Heart rate: Exercise intensity was monitored by Polar Heart Rate Monitor. Heart rate monitoring has been used successfully as a means of estimating the stress placed on the cardiopulmonary system and provides an indication of the intensity, duration and frequency of activity [27]. Heart rate monitoring belts were made to worn during the dance sessions. Data was stored in Polar performance software and analysed. Height: A portable stadiometer was used to measure height in centimeters (cm) to the nearest 0.1 cm. Weight: Tanita body composition analyser was used to measure weight in kilograms (kg) to the nearest 0.1 kg. Both weight and height were measured in light clothing like track pants or shorts with shoe off. Body Fat Percentage: Bioelectrical impedence, a non invasive validated procedure used for measuring body fat [28]. Tanita body composition analyser was used for the same. Houtkooper LB et al suggest that bioelectric impedence is a better test specifically for grading average adiposity in groups [29]. Cardio-respiratory Fitness: The multistage 20-meter shuttle run (MST) / bleep test / beep test was used to assess the maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max). Since (VO2max) is considered as a gold standard to assess cardiovascular fitness and MST is a validated test to measure the maximal oxygen uptake [30]. Maximum oxygen carrying capacity (VO2max) and aerobic fitness are directly proportional to each other; a higher (VO2max) value indicates a better cardio respiratory fitness. The test protocol consists of 23 levels. Each level last for 1 minute and comprise of a series of laps that were ran back to forth between two lines set 20 metres apart, with a starting speed of 8.5 km/hr and increases by 0.5 km/hr at each level using a pre-recorded audio tape. A single beep indicates end of a level and three beeps indicate start of the next level. Students can walk, jog or run keeping in time with the beeps until they cannot keep in time with the speed set by the tape which is students maximal effort. MST table was used to assess the (VO2max) values [31, 32]. Statistical Analysis Paired t test was used to compare the aerobic fitness (MST score), weight, height and body fat percentile values at baseline, intermediate and final level of both the control and intervention group. Descriptive data are mean  ± SD and statistical significance was analysed at p 0.05. All analyses were performed using Minitab 15. RESULTS Completed baseline, intermediate and final data were collected from students at the beginning, post 8 weeks and post 16 weeks respectively. Out of 95, 10 students were not present on the day of baseline measurements, 13 for the intermediate and 34 for the final measurements. Height, weight, age, sex, body fat percentage, and MST score were calculated for each child. Some students had incomplete data because of absence on more than 1 day of measurement. These data were excluded from the analysis. Body Fat Percentage Final results showed an overall reduction in fat percentage. At baseline, relative to the control group, children in the intervention group had significantly higher body fat percentage (4.17% higher). Comparing the baseline and final data of body fat percentage in the intervention group, a reduction in fat mass with mean of 2.57  ± SD 18.04, p value 0.35 was observed. While baseline and intermediate showed a mean difference of 3.26  ± SD 19.85, p value 0.30. An increase in fat percentile was reported from intermediate to the final results with mean -1.34  ± SD 4.75, p value 0.126. The readings of mean and SD of body fat percentage at all the three levels is given in table1. Aerobic Fitness An improvement in the Multistage Shuttle Run Test (MST) score has been observed in both the groups. At baseline, relative to the control group, children in the intervention group had significantly lower aerobic capacity, but by the end of the study intervention group showed better improvement in the aerobic capacity compare to the control group. A significant improvement with p value 0.001 has been notified in the intervention group with a mean -1.71  ± SD 1.77, 95% confidence interval for mean difference was in the range of (-2.34, -1.08). The readings of mean and SD of body MST score is given in table 2. Heart rate Heart rate was monitored in all the dance sessions for the intervention group as well as the control group during their regular physical activity sessions. Comparing the results of boys from the intervention and control group a higher value of resting heart rate (HR), maximum heart rate (MHR) and average heart rate ( AHR) was reported in the pupil of the intervention group ( 126 bpm, 166 bpm, 132 bpm respectively). For the detailed report of the heart rate during the dance session refer figure: 2. Heart rate monitoring of one of the boy from the control group during the regular PE session showed following results. HR: 87 bpm, MHR: 157 bpm, AHR: 106 bpm . Refer figure: 3 for detailed picture of the heart rate during a regular physical activity session. The heart rate monitor of a girl from the intervention group showed following results. HR: 136 bpm, MHR: 193 bpm and AHR: 156 bpm. A complete range of heart rate during the dance session is given in figure: 4. Gender Difference In the intervention group at the baseline girls had significantly higher estimated body fat percentage (about 4.2 % higher) than boys. This difference in body fat % at the end of intervention went down to 2.24 %. Girls reported significant improvement in the aerobic capacity during the intervention period. Table 3 describes the individual readings of mean and SD of body fat percentage, MST and weight of boys and girls in the intervention group at baseline and final levels. Girls touched approximately 190 bpm of heart rate during the dance session which is much better then the boys MHR range during the dance session. DISCUSSION The unhealthy life style is the major risk factor for many preventive chronic diseases. Therefore the elevating sedentary behaviour in children has become a public health concern around the globe. It has been documented that improved level of exercise capacity in children confers protection against many chronic diseases with underlying risk factors like obesity [33]. Number of studies has confirmed the significance of school based intervention in promoting physical activity in children [21, 22, 23, 24]. Most of these studies involve multiple component procedure like physical activity, time spent in physical activity, dietary intake, class room education, parents involvement etc [34, 35, 36].Though, these studies were designed intensively and most of them had a long follow up period but still were not able to discover the precise factor (physical activity or dietary habits) that has the prime potential in improving the health status of the children. Further more most of these stu dies are self reporting and hence the results of such interventions can not be considered as significant. In the present study we focused on a novel school-based approach to boost the involvement of children in physical activity which can have health benefits as well as have rejoicing effect on children so that an attempt is made to gain their interest in being active. Our aim was to make the sessions so exciting that children do not find them stereotyped. Health benefits of the intervention Physical activity The intervention Dance Yourself Fit was designed to test the hypothesis that children who participated in 16 weeks of dance sessions conducted by the professional coach would report significant improvement in aerobic capacity and reduction in body fat in contrast to a control group who engaged in the regular PE sessions. In accordance with the hypothesis, the results revealed that scores of MST for children in the intervention group increased significantly following 16 weeks of training. The findings indicate reduced body fat compare to the control group at the end of the intervention as per the bioelectric impedence measurements. In this respect, the study support previously conducted study on physical activity and fitness in elementary school children (Sallis JF, McKenzie TL et al., 1997) [24] and research by Dwyer T et al in South Australia on the effect of daily physical activity in primary school children [37]. Results also support the study by Baquet G et al. (2004) that repo rted improved aerobic capacity in children following high-intensity, intermittent-running aerobic exercises [38]. In addition the methodology of the current study does not agree with the design of Wilma J et al. (2008) which has used multiple components to improve physical activity in children. The study has described a lot about the minor aspects of the intervention but has lagged behind in demonstrating the information regarding PE sessions which is an important aspect in assessing the significance of the study. However standard parameters were used to assess the results (Euro Fit test) but the outcome of the study does not transmit any statistical significance. Also the study has not reported any gender comparison on the effect of intervention which is more likely to be seen in any objectively based study [39]. Supposedly there is only handful of studies that has worked on improving the health related physical activity in children. Study by Fairclough S. J et al. (2008) is an educational based intervention on improving the health related exercise in children [40]. The study had 5 classroom sessions, were knowledge of health related benefits of exercise were given to the children. Pre and post questionnaire were given to the children and assessment was made according to the marks scored by the children. The current study does not agree with this education based intervention because it seems unconvincing that children of age group 9-10 will voluntarily engage themselves in health enhancing exercises just by the effect of 5 class room sessions.- The present study showed an overall higher aerobic fitness in boys than girls at the baseline. However, unlike other studies girls showed comparatively better improvement in fitness at the end of the intervention. Maximum Heart Rate Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) measurement was used to judge the intensity of the dance session to elicit aerobic fitness in children. The standard formula of calculating MHR is 220-age but is not preferred for pre pubertal children because their MHR generally range from 195 to 205 beats per minute and is independent of age [41]. As per the ACSM (American College Of Sports Medicine) guidelines the exercise intensity should reach 80 to 85 % of MHR to elicit cardio vascular response. The children in the intervention group reported MHR in the range of 160 to 190 bpm (approximately) which is in the range to have health benefits. In contrast to most of the studies girls surpass boys in MHR range during the intervention sessions. Body Fat Percentage Results suggested a significant increase in the weight of children in both the groups. This can be merely due to the children being at the age of pre pubertal growth spurt which leads to an increase in weight and height. Although the weight gain in children in the intervention group is comparatively lower then the control group. In respect to the measure of body fat percentage used in the current study, the findings indicate that the intervention also had positive impact on fat percentage compared to the control group. Future research is needed to understand the impact of exercise interventions on the relationship between weight status and body fat. Strength The intervention included a large study sample and the duration of the study was long enough to analyse the effectiveness of the intervention. The children were from the age group of 8-9 years (age from which decline in physical activity begins). Since the range is not vast the results are less prone to be biased. The availability of comparable data at baseline, mid and final level of the intervention was an advantage to assess the results of the intervention. Strength of this study also includes the direct measurement of VO2 max, body fat% and aerobic capacity using standard methods of assessment. Involvement of the professional coach for physical education session other then the regular PE teacher has worked as an asset for the study. The result of the study has proved the significance of MVPA in enhancing the health status of children. Limitations When interpreting our results the following limitations should be considered. In total 95 children participated in the study but only a third were present for all the three measurements. This has affected the comparative results between baseline, intermediate and final data. Least number of students was present for the final measurement which might have affected the overall outcome of the study. In the mid of the study children went for Easter vacation and no home based program was given to maintain the effect of the intervention which has shown reverse results. Our scenario here supports the study by Aaron L et al which suggested a reversed intervention effects of the school based interventions during the summer vacations [42]. The physical activity hall in most of these schools were not big enough to have one 20 m running lap as required for 20 meter shuttle run test. A to and fro of 20 m were used to assess the aerobic capacity. Therefore some variation in the readings might be possible. Future Research Despite finding that a 16 week dance intervention enhanced the aerobic fitness in children, future research is required which can prove the long term benefit of physical activity at early age. Studies are required to understand the exercise physiology of girls and boys at the pre pubertal age. Importantly effect of skill based physical education in school system need to be established. Studies are required to establish more effective strategies for encouraging health related physical activity in young children. Is concentrating on overweight or obese children for planning exercise program can be beneficial for better results? Are multiple short sessions of physical activity would be sufficient to get health related benefits compare to one long session of exercise. There are many hypotheses which need to be confirmed through more intense future researches. CONCLUSION Scotland urgently needs more research into physical inactivity and obesity along with useful data on trends in the epidemic of child obesity. The current study suggests the importance of skill based PE session along with the beneficial effect of additional physical education sessions on the health status of the children. A well planned entertaining PE session can have positive influence upon increasing physical activity levels in young children. The study also suggests that government should take steps to improve and increase the physical education in primary schools to combat physical inactivity and obesity in growing children. References Torrance B., McGuire K.A., Lewanczuk R.. Overweight, physical activity and high blood pressure in children: a review of the literature, Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2007 February; 3(1): 139à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"149. Kohl HW, Hobbs KE. Development of physical activity behaviors among children and adolescents. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on A Feminist Reading of John Updikes AP - 1321 Words

A Feminist Reading of AP Gone are the days that humans could live impulsively, only taking physical pain and pleasure into account when making decisions. Or so one would like to believe. In a display of sheer innocence and ignorance, Sammy, a grocery clerk at the A P, managed to revert back to the original behavior patterns of his ape-like ancestors. One cannot possibly predict the future of Sammy, given his own illogical and irrational behavior. But one can, through a careful examination of Sammys life, determine that Sammy is just a naive, young man whose impulsive acts, partly as a consequence of his upbringing, compel him to participate in a cause not worth fighting for, instead of using his talents for more constructive†¦show more content†¦He had only one goal: do everything in his power to impress the girls, making sure they would not escape the hallowed A P without having awe-filled reverence for the grocery clerk named Sammy. However, from the beginning, Sammys idealistic dreams of renown had a sour taste to them. Sammy began his grocery clerk glory days as a victim of his own parents over watchfulness. His parents had known Lengel, the store manager, for years, and took it upon themselves to get Sammy a job. Perhaps his parents believed that doing Sammys dirty work would somehow shelter Sammy from the so-called real world, or perhaps they merely wanted the best for their son, and getting him a job was their way of giving Sammy what they felt he was due. Whatever his parents motives were, the end result was somewhat of a loss of Sammys independence. Given the circumstances surrounding the rest of the story, it is not unreasonable to assume that Sammy had felt somewhat dependent upon his parents and did not like that dependence at all. But he had never faced the right circumstance that may have potentially given him a reason, or an excuse, to break his ties with his parents and become truly independent. Lengel points out, Sammy, you dont want to do this to your Mom and Dad . . . Youll feel this for the rest of your life (Updike 411). Despite this warning, Sammy is more than willing to break the unwritten covenant he has with his parents and attemptsShow MoreRelatedA P By John Updike1441 Words   |  6 PagesJohn Updike is considered one of the greatest writers in modern American history. He is known for the idea that seemingly ordinary aspects of American life are actually quite fascinating. He wanted readers to see the beauty and magic of life, so he tried to describe everyday things using the most clear but beautiful language possible. Many of Updike’s pieces are drawn from his own life such as his marriage and his boyhood, as shown in three of his short stories: â€Å"AP†, â€Å"Ace in the Hole†, and â€Å"PigeonRead MoreEssay about Contrast of Jamaica Kincaid’s â€Å"Girl† and John Updike’s â€Å"AP†687 Words   |  3 PagesContrast of Jamaica Kincaid’s â€Å"Girl† and John Updike’s â€Å"APâ⠂¬  â€Å"AP† and â€Å"Girl† both symbolized the protagonists’ oppression by an older, more experienced generation. However, Kincaid’s â€Å"Girl† was artistic with an undercurrent of selfless love and hope while Updike’s â€Å"AP† was uninspiring with selfishness and lust. The protagonist of â€Å"Girl† discouraged her daughter’s dreams out of love. The protagonist of â€Å"A P† encouraged the antagonists’ out of a selfish desire for self-promotion. The short storyRead MoreLiterary Criticism for John Updike AP2060 Words   |  9 Pages Literary Criticisms on John Updike’s â€Å"AP† First and Last Name Class Section 11/21/13 Introduction: John Updike is considered to be one of the greatest modern American writers. He was able to use his All-American upbringing as inspiration for a lot of his writing, making it relatable to many people. Updike was born in Reading, Pennsylvania on March 18, 1932. He moved around in the area during his childhood, and the rural PennsylvaniaRead MoreA P By John Updike914 Words   |  4 Pages Living in California we see women in swimsuits quite often, maybe too often. Still we have those people that find the need to objectify women, even the ones they have seen many times. Although that is what Sammy does in John Updike’s â€Å"AP†. The way â€Å"AP† depicts the young girls is objectifying: from how the main character describes the young women, how he disrespects the older lady he was checking out, the manager kicking the girls out of the store because of what they are wearing, and how the girlsRead MoreAnalysis Of John Updike s A P1293 Words   |  6 PagesJohn U pdike is viewed by his readers as a progressive voice in his work that promotes feminist issues. He makes these issues stand out more evidently, rather than hidden, in order for the reader to realize how women are viewed in society. From reading Updike’s AP, the story sends the message to readers of genders working together to strive for equality. If readers do not carefully and actively read AP they may miss key messages about the power men hold over women, not just in society but in literatureRead MoreSelf-Motivation and Egocentrism in John Updike’s AP871 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Peden once called John Updike’s â€Å"AP† â€Å"deftly narrated nonsense...which contains nothing more significant than a checking clerks interest in three girls in bathing suits† (Peden). While Peden’s criticism may be harsher than necessary, it is hard to find fault with his analysis. Sammy’s tale offers little more than insight into an egocentric and self-motivated mind, and while Updike may disagree with that conclusion, a close reading of the text offers significant evidence to support thisRead MoreMain Themes Of Individualism In Queenies Girl Femininity854 Words   |  4 Pagesdecades ago were. This story relates to feminist perspectives. The mother in Girl expects a a lot from of her daughter, and she does not hesitate to let her know. In each of the stories the characters each accentuate the author story, each involve young women. Understanding each character is important because it shows you why they do what they do, it gives reason to each center of the story. So each character becomes the main point of the story. The girls in both AP and Girl supposed to seem innocent

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Witches Salem Witch Trials Of 1692 - 2179 Words

This investigation will focus on the question: What role did Tituba s confession to be a witch start the mass hunt for the witches in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692? This investigation will include details on the events that occurred after Tituba’s confession in Salem during 1962 and 1963. It will also include a brief description of society at the time and what societal pressures may have led to this horrific time. The first source that will be evaluated in depth is Stacy Schiff’s book â€Å"The Witches: Salem, 1692†, published in October 2015. The origin of this source is indeed valuable because Schiff is a well-known historian. Her research is known for its high standards. She has also mastered the entire history of early New England—beginning from a time before the horrific witch hunt in Salem. She studied, in great depth, European witchcraft as well. With this she was able to provide a detailed textured background for specific moments and sit uations. Schiff has also won a Pulitzer Prize, a Jacqueline Bograd Weld Award for biography, a George Washington Book Prize and the Ambassador Book Award. Additionally, the date of the publication of this source is in 2015, therefore it strengthens the source’s value because Schiff was given the ability to benefit from hindsight, she also had a wide variety of sources she was able to analyze; this includes government documents, statistics, and possibly interviews. The purpose of Schiff’s book is to give a vivid descriptionShow MoreRelatedThe Salem Witch Trials Of 16921281 Words   |  6 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials were a sequence of hearings, prosecutions, and hangings of people who were thought to be involved in witchcraft in Massachusetts. These trials occurred between February 1692 and May 1693(The Salem Witch Trials, 1692. ). The Trials resulted in the execution of twenty people, in fact, most of them were women. The first of the trials began in several tow ns in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, such as Salem Village (currently known as Danvers), Salem Town, Ipswich, and Andover(SalemRead MoreMany Years Ago People Have Wonder About Witches And What1348 Words   |  6 Pagespeople have wonder about witches and what they do. Salem, Massachusetts held one of the biggest witch trials in history since 1692 but yet have never found the rea-son why it was started in the first place. Researchers have discovered some information about those witches throughout the years. Still they have not figured out what was the whole rea-son behind the trials in 1692 and after those trials a lot more trials were more secretive unlike the Salem witches tri-als in 1692. New England, home of theRead MoreSalem Witch Trials : Witchcraft Trials1726 Words   |  7 PagesSalem Witch Trials Flaming sermons, bewitched girls, accusations being thrown here and there, and executions terrified colonists during the Salem witch trials. The Salem witch trials are well known, but they are not the first in America and are very small compared to other witch hunts. In 1648 Margaret Jones was hanged for witchcraft in Massachusetts (Brooks). In Europe 110,000 people were questioned during the 1300s to the 1700s, and 40,000 to 60,000 people were executed (New World Encyclopedia)Read MoreSalem Witch Trials1478 Words   |  6 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials of 1692 were a series of trials in which twenty-four people were killed after being accused of practicing witchcraft. These trials were caused by different social climates of the area including the very strong lack of a governor, the split between Salem Village and Salem Town, and the strict puritan lifestyle during the time period. Tituba, the black slave, was a foreigner from Barbados. Her role in society was to take care of Mr. Par ris’s family. Tituba’s situation contributedRead MoreAbdeali Dalal. Dr. Jenkins. History 1301. February 13,1541 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Escaping Salem; The Other Witch Hunt of 1692† â€Å"Escaping Salem; The Other Witch hunt of 1692† was penned and published by Richard Godbeer in 2005. Godbeer expressed his views on what he called basic witch trials in Salem and more importantly, in Stamford, Connecticut Massachusetts. The same year that Salem witch hunt and trials began in 1692, another witch hunt took place in Stamford, the Western Connecticut to when a woman (Elizabeth Clawson) from there was also accused of Witchcraft. These witch huntRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1358 Words   |  6 PagesArthur Miller in 1953. The movie story deals with the Salem, Massachusetts hysteria in 1692 with an irrational fear of the devil. Witch hunts and false accusations resulted. Trials took place and resulted in the hanging and associated death of more than 20 people and the false imprisonment of many others. B. The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft. â€Å"From June through September of 1692, nineteen men and women, all having been convicted ofRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trial Hysteria Of 1692879 Words   |  4 PagesThe Salem Witch Trial hysteria of 1692 caused 20 people to be hung or pressed to death and 4 perished in jail. In addition, 200 people in Salem were accused of being witches. On June 10 of 1692, Bridget Bishop was charged with practicing witchcraft and she was also accused of bewitching her husband to death. The result of her not confessing was that she was hung to her death. All of this frenzy started in the house of Samuel Parris. His daughters were consumed by the bizarre tales told by their IndianRead MoreThe Trials Of Salem Witch Trials Essay1267 Words   |  6 PagesThe notorious witch trials in Salem began in Spring of 1692. This started after a young group of girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts, professed they were possessed by the devil. These young girls even went as far as accusing some local women of practicing witchcraft. As a frenzy spreaded throughout colonial Massachusetts, a specific court was summoned to hear cases. Bridget Bishop was the first convicted witch and she was hung in that June following her trial. Eighteen other people followed BishopRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials : Crisis1601 Words   |  7 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials: Crisis in Salem Village Many people know of the Salem witch trials that took place in Salem, Massachusetts in the year 1692 spilling over into the year 1693. But for those who do not know, the Salem witch trials were a series of trials against men, women, and children accused of being a witch and or practicing witchcraft. In â€Å"The Devils Snare: The Salem Witch Trials of 1692† by Mary Beth Norton, the author recollects the stories of real life accounts of those accusers andRead MoreReformation Paper : Salem Witch Trials1368 Words   |  6 PagesReformation Paper: Salem Witch Trials The reformation housed many impressive inventions such as the creation of gunpowder and the printing press along with many divisions like wars and radical religious ideas. The reformation was a period in history that caused many changes to the way Christianity operated forcing many communities to re-divide themselves among different religious loyalties. People like Martin Luther and John Calvin questioned their religion and aspects of the way the greedy and corrupt

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Feminist Theory free essay sample

Feminist Theory Feminist theory is the extension of feminism into theoretical, or philosophical discourse, it aims to understand the nature of gender inequality. It examines womens social roles and lived experience, and feminist politics in a variety of fields, such as anthropology and sociology, communication, psychoanalysis, economics, literary criticism, education, and philosophy. While generally providing a critique of social relations, much of feminist theory also focuses on analyzing gender inequality and the promotion of womens rights, interests, and issues.Themes explored in feminism include art history and contemporary art, aesthetics, discrimination, stereotyping, objectification (especially sexual objectification), oppression, and patriarchy. The feminist theory dates back to as early as the 18th century and to this day is still around with women trying to fight for the rights women deserve to be treated as equal as men and respected as an equal to men. From research I have found the feminist theory can be roughly broken down into three waves. When capacity refers to the ability of individuals to do act freely and make their own decisions choices, social structure describes the obstacles regarding to constrains from the views of society, religion, ethnicity, gender that prevent people from doing what they choose to do, limit them from their decisions. It is what sociologist Philip Abrams (1982) stated as the paradox of human agency. In short,, meaning that peoples (women) decision making is never straightforward and influenced by the circumstances which were inherited from the past and the living environment people are in. In terms of feminist theories, it is necessary to analyze each of them through women capacity and the circumstances under which they make their own history (Marx, ) Compare and contrast Generally, Aall of these theories set the same goal of liberating women from inequality in their lives but they have different viewpoints and approaches, and the most significant ones is the causes leading to the oppression against women that prevent them from doing what their ability choose to do. They then propose solutions for women to have an equal position with men. Liberal feminism was found from the first feminist wave in the Enlightenment period. The liberal feminists believe that all people are created equal and should not be denied equality of opportunity because of gender, and the oppression is rooted in the constraint of customs and legitimacy, women rights to access to education are taken away and they are confined in their family. Women, according to these feminists, were perceived wrongly by the society that by their nature, women are less capable than men in both intellectual and physical aspects, and they are excluded from participation and success in public world such as academy, forum and marketplace. It cannot be concluded that women are inferior to men, because they did not share the same education so the capacity of many women were not revealed. The circumstance here is that women were born with the role of manual workers in family regardless their real ability due to prejudices and laws. The way to change the role of women in society has to rely on individuals (both two sexes) to adjust these laws and prejudices (to reform oppressive system), and fix women’ exclusion from political power. In terms of radical feminism, the role of women is associated with patriarchy which appeared before privatization. Radical feminists are considered to have strong ideas and struggle thoroughly for gender equality. According to this theories, both of liberal feminism and Marxism are not persuasive enough, throughout the history, the patriarchal was the root cause of oppression, not external factors such as laws or policies. Patriarchal is a system of male authority and it spread through social forms, and it always oppresses women, or women are dominated by men. Radical feminist said that the heterosexuality under coercion as well as the way of organizing a patriarchal family is to ensure the longevity of male domination; therefore women depend on men both physically and mentally. This theory shows that biological factors are not the cause of oppression but the in the way men control women role in childbearing and upbringing. The noticeable difference between radical feminism and other theories can be shown through its solution. If most of theories try to liberate women by changing the structure of society, radical feminism liberate women by encouraging them to get rid of the constraints of male sexuality, allowing each person to xpress their own capacity in sexuality that is full of masculine and feminine. Unfortunately, both liberal and radical feminist perspectives have been criticized, especially by women of color, for being exclusionary and limited in scope. Historically, liberal feminism and radical feminism have mentioned the issues that related to White heterosexual women, without necessarily considering the realities that women of color, poor and working-class women, and also lesbian women might face. Marxism, like radical feminism, starts with a theory of adversative social classes with a fundamental distinguishable power relationship defining them, and then analyzes all of society in terms of that power struggle, especially in economic system of capitalism in which Marxism focuses on the economic independence capacity of women when noticing the gender equality. Due toAccording to this theory, in class’s society, all people, especially women cannot achieve equal opportunity when property produced by a large number of powerlessness but held by few powerful people. Engels believe that the women oppression rooted when the private property regime arose, wealth was not contributed equally for everyone. This theory blames capitalism, not social norms, on the cause of oppression. Under capitalist society, women are a crowed ratio of labor force, they are hired because they are prone to be commanded, and with low wage, they seem to be consistent with monotonous and tedious work. Based on Engelss, the liberation of women depends on the participation of women in production which will enhance the role of their earning in the society, so they can have an equal footing with men. Socialist feminism is the dissatisfaction over Marxism thought. Marx felt when class oppression was overcome, gender oppression would automatically vanish. Socialist feminism is against the traditional Marxist ideas by including it under broader oppression. If Marxist mainly focuses on the division of labor in classes’ society, socialist feminism believes that class is not the only oppressor of women, women is suffered from not only class exploitation, but also the sexes oppression. This means that in the society, women is oppressed by capitalism in the role of labor, and within the family, they continue to be victim of another layer of oppression from their husband. Husband is bourgeoisie and wife is proletariat. In terms of radical feminism, the role of women is associated with patriarchy which appeared before privatization. Radical feminists are considered to have strong ideas and struggle thoroughly for gender equality. According to this theories, both of liberal feminism and Marxism are not persuasive enough, throughout the history, the patriarchal was the root cause of oppression, not external factors such as laws or policies. Patriarchal is a system of male authority and it spread through social forms, and it always oppresses women, or women are dominated by men. Radical feminist said that the heterosexuality under coercion as well as the way of organizing a patriarchal family is to ensure the longevity of male domination; therefore women depend on men both physically and mentally. This theory shows that biological factors are not the cause of oppression but the in the way men control women role in childbearing and upbringing. The noticeable difference between radical feminism and other theories can be shown through its solution. If most of theories try to liberate women by changing the structure of society, radical feminism liberate women by encouraging them to get rid of the constraints of male sexuality, allowing each person to express their own capacity in sexuality that is full of masculine and feminine.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Death Of Socrates Essay Research Paper free essay sample

The Death Of Socrates Essay, Research Paper # 8220 ; Crito, you and other people who claimed to be friends to Socrates are all useless! How could you have been so cowardly, or lazy, or stingy, as to let you # 8216 ; friend # 8217 ; to decease? Surely, with a small bravery, energy, and money, you could hold saved him. # 8221 ; Those are strong accusals coming from person who evidently did non cognize Socrates every bit good as his other pupils or me. Although, I expected that people would respond this manner to my actions, or deficiency of actions, sing Socrates death.For Socrates, being executed was the lone option available to him. Of class we, his friends, could hold helped him to get away, but what would that turn out? It would merely travel against everything that Socrates has taught us. It would besides withstand everything that Socrates stood for in life. Escaping penalty, would hold been an unfair and fearful act for him. We will write a custom essay sample on The Death Of Socrates Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Disobeying the jurisprudence would put a bad illustration for his fellow citizens. In add-on, it would destroy his repute for being merely and following the Torahs of the authorities. Socrates believed that, although he was wrongfully accused, he was Gb ven a fair trial through the eyes of the law. The fact that he was given a fair trial means that he was given a fair punishment. If this punishment is not carried out, justice will not be served. Escaping punishment would cause a conflict between his teachings and his actions. This would eradicate the moral reputation that Socrates had built for himself throughout his life. The question he would have asked himself would have been, â€Å"What kind of example would I be setting if I dishonored my own teachings?† He saw his punishment as a contract between he and the government, and he firmly believed that agreements should not be broken. This is the same government that allowed him to live life as he chose, so why harm an institution that benefited him?In addition, what kind of student would I be if I disregarded everything I learned from my teacher and helped him to escape? That would go against my own principles and destroy my self-respect. If I helped Socrates to escape, al l of his lessons and our discussions would have lost all meaning. So I ask you, how could I have helped Socrates escape and then live with my actions?

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Free Essays on The Empire And The People

â€Å"The Empire and the People† Americans have the need to expand and set their goals high. Oversea expansion wasn’t a new idea that just popped up, but revived again. There have been many oversea probes and interventions by the 1890s and from that, ideology of expansion was widespread. The Monroe Doctrine even glanced southward into and beyond the Caribbean. Captain A. T. Mahan (well-known propagandist for expansion) was influential to American leaders as well as Theodore Roosevelt. He said that the biggest navies would inherit the earth, which was their Manifest Destiny. Now, it’s time for them to set their eyes on inheritance other than within the boundaries of the United States. It’s progress for the Americans to expand and want what they do not have (expand their sight and goals; take more land). Trade is very important to American merchants, and foreign trade was of greater relevance. Theodore Roosevelt talked about expansion and that it wasn’t just for manliness and heroism, but also for the â€Å"trade relations with China.† In 1898, 90% of American products were sold at home. The 10% was sold abroad and amounted to about a billion dollars. Oil was a huge export in the 1880s and the 1890s. Thanks to Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, which accounted for 90% of American exports of kerosene, controlled 70% of the world market. This made oil the second leading overseas product nest to cotton. If it weren’t for foreign trade and exports, the United States would have a surplus of goods and that would lead to a depression.... Free Essays on The Empire And The People Free Essays on The Empire And The People â€Å"The Empire and the People† Americans have the need to expand and set their goals high. Oversea expansion wasn’t a new idea that just popped up, but revived again. There have been many oversea probes and interventions by the 1890s and from that, ideology of expansion was widespread. The Monroe Doctrine even glanced southward into and beyond the Caribbean. Captain A. T. Mahan (well-known propagandist for expansion) was influential to American leaders as well as Theodore Roosevelt. He said that the biggest navies would inherit the earth, which was their Manifest Destiny. Now, it’s time for them to set their eyes on inheritance other than within the boundaries of the United States. It’s progress for the Americans to expand and want what they do not have (expand their sight and goals; take more land). Trade is very important to American merchants, and foreign trade was of greater relevance. Theodore Roosevelt talked about expansion and that it wasn’t just for manliness and heroism, but also for the â€Å"trade relations with China.† In 1898, 90% of American products were sold at home. The 10% was sold abroad and amounted to about a billion dollars. Oil was a huge export in the 1880s and the 1890s. Thanks to Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, which accounted for 90% of American exports of kerosene, controlled 70% of the world market. This made oil the second leading overseas product nest to cotton. If it weren’t for foreign trade and exports, the United States would have a surplus of goods and that would lead to a depression....

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America Term Paper

Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America - Term Paper Example Due to her personal need, the management is left with considerable options how they could continuously perform operation on a normal basis, and without interrupting the possible opportunities of Nickelodeon in Latin America in the future. This report tries to recommend important suggestions how the organization could effectively emancipate action based on these crucial concerns without possibly compromising its future opportunities in Latin America. This report starts with the actual issues and assumptions of the actual scenario Nickelodeon in Latin America is facing. This is followed by a brief analysis of management functions which have been playing elemental role towards the success of Taran from the past and even for future achievement of best opportunities. Problems are presented and the required actions to address them are also elaborated in detail. Keywords: Nickelodeon, management functions, management, leadership Issues and Assumptions Taran Swan, branch director and general manager of Nickelodeon Latin America is faced with various options how she could deliver her role effectively far from Miami to New York after her doctor recommended she had to stay at home for the duration of her pregnancy. This is not going to be an easy situation on her part especially that there were major projects that could either make or break Nickelodeon in the future such as the Cablevision/TCI and the Brazil-dedicated feed. Swan was faced with two major important issues in order to effectively manage or lead her team. She needs to consider her leadership style and working relationships while working with her team from afar. Then she also needs to consider a possibility of appointing an interim director who would take her post while she is absent, which for her, needs to have substantive criteria and evaluations. Assuming Swan would continue work with her team so as to ensure maximum achievement of various opportunities like those for Cablevision/TCI and the Brazil-dedicat ed feed even at a far distance, she therefore needs to enhance her ability to formulate and initiate the whole plan, extra-organize her team, lead them and even ensure a high level of control. Assuming further that she would appoint interim director for the mean time, Swan should therefore consider certain criteria in order to choose the one with excellent qualification that would be able to fit to the prevailing task. Swan needs to consider strategic human resource management which would include but also may not limit to human resource selection process. The case â€Å"Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America† based on the above issues and assumptions is therefore composed of complex management activities which can be subdivided into four functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Analysis Planning The first management function clearly indicated in the case is planning. Obviously it is here where Swan started everything how she was able to prove herself that sh e could actually make it to Nickelodeon Latin America as a branch director and general manager. In the industry where Nickelodeon belongs, planning plays a crucial role as a gateway to its success. As a novice in Nickelodeon business from the beginning, Taran learned to appreciate the significance of planning activity, and she found at the later part there were more complex things to be considered in the actual planning activity rather than relying on pure assumptions and estimates or projections. Planning has become integral part to leapfrog company’s success and achieve competitive advantage (Porter, 1998; Schnaars, 1998). In planning activity, Swan was able to understand the importance of ensuring the achievement of a

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

How Authentic Black English in White rappers lyrics Research Paper

How Authentic Black English in White rappers lyrics - Research Paper Example White rappers have been diluted by the African American dominance in the rap culture. Rap is an art articulated through the articulation of rhyming words rooted with deeper meanings within the lyrics. A lot of MCs have appeared in the past decades to nurture the reputation of rap culture, namely; Eminem, Tupac, Techn9ne, Rakeem, Dr Dre, Jay-Z among others (Mickey, 2009). Producing rhyming lyrics with influential messages is a difficult task to come up with. However, making an unplanned song to achieve rapid publicities is simple. Creating an insightful lyric is not easy. One has to pour his, or her, emotion, effort and thoughts into the lyrical content. Though, it is vital to comprehend the musical basis of the rap genre furthermore to its social importance, in order to really understand the artistic, political and social effect of rap as a movement. The Rap/Hip hop genre is one of the earliest music cultures in conventional pop music. The prevailing African-American musical arrangement has celebrated Vanilla accomplishment for years and with that victory he has experienced the presence of other non-black cultures. The success or rise of the white rapper is challenging to hint. Popular performances and rappers from the 1980s, such as Vanilla Ice achieved a lot of publicity in the 90’s however; his audience and music differed from his black counterparts such as Dr Dre. Vanilla Ice’s victory in the initial 1990s is possibly the best instance of a white rapper accomplishing conventional victory in the hip hop culture (THE Rhetorical, 2013). Nevertheless Vanilla Ice arrogation of MC Hammer steered to Vanilla Ice’s mockery and ridicule, particularly with the dawn of Gangsta Rap. This took almost a decade for another white rapper such as Eminem, who is currently the most well-known white rapper, to achieve conventional victory and approval of a predominately black enterprise. Vanilla Ice’s fame steered to the approval of

Friday, January 31, 2020

Jurassic Park Summary Report Essay Example for Free

Jurassic Park Summary Report Essay Jurassic Park Summary Report Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton is a thrilling, science fiction novel. It tells the story about the cloning of dinosaurs, which are to be controlled in a theme park, however one mans greed, drove the park into devastation and destruction. I consider the plot to be complex. The novel is based upon a theme park featuring dinosaurs, which are created from prehistoric DNA. The novel begins with bizarre attacks from bird like creatures. John Hammond a wealthy, elderly man establishes this park. However, before the ark is to be opened, Hammond invites three scientists to come visit the island to approve of it. They are Alan Grant a Paleontologist, Ellie Sattler a Poleobotanist, and Ian Malcolm a Mathematician. Hammond also invites his two eager grandchildren, Tim and Lex, to come explore the park. While they are visiting they separate into groups to take a tour of the park. They depart in electric-run land cruisers. While they are examining the surroundings around them Tim and Lex notice raptors leaving on a boat to go to the mainland. Meanwhile, a rival company is paying a disgruntled employee at the park, Dennis Nedry, a million and half-dollars to steal dinosaur embryos. After Nedry has followed through with the plans the security system is shut down leaving the electricity shut off. Grant and the rest of his company are now stranded in the park. Their land cruisers break down on the perimeter of the tyrannosaurus padlock. The group is terrified to find that the fences are not electrified and that the t-rex has escaped. The t-rex attacks the vehicle with the children in it and the remainder of the people are killed r manage to escape. Grant, Lex, and Tim are unfortunately now trapped in the park together. While they are in the park they have to hide and run from many dangerous predators. Whilst trying to reach safety Grant observes eggshells. This causes him to anticipate that the dinosaurs in the park are breeding. Grant was told that this could not be possible considering the park had only female dinosaurs in it. Grant brings the eggshells with him to provide evidence that they are in fact breeding. Grant believes that when inosaurs are all of the female gender and therefore dont have any one to mate with, they are capable of randomly changing their sex. The people who survive their visit to Jurassic Park are taken off the island to safety. there are a dozen frozen embryos still in existence, the possibility still remains for more dinosaurs to be produced. The theme greed is distinctively revealed in Jurassic Park. I strongly agree with the message that Michael Crichton is trying to portray. The message itself shows that the motivation of greed does not guarantee success in life. John Hammond the owner of Jurassic Park demonstrates an excellent example of greed. Hammonds greed was motivated by his desire for wealth. This ultimately led to nor only his own desire, but many other lives were ruined and the reality of the park was destroyed. The plot was very intense; it had many events that were suspenseful though forceful. I enjoyed the plot, in general I considered it to be clear, exciting, and reasonably interesting. I thought Michael Crichton overall did a superior Job on the plot. The events I found were well structured, and generally simple to follow. I considered the plot to be believable and as I read I found myself questioning whether the cloning of dinosaurs could actually take place. I wondered if scientists had actually tried to take prehistoric DNA from mosquitoes and try to recreate prehistoric creatures. I imagine that Michael Crichton had to put a lot of consideration into creating the plot so it would make the novel become alive. I thought the novel was exhilarating and most amusing to read. I believe that Jurassic Park was extremely well written. I would absolutely recommend this novel to anyone.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Liberal Backbone of America :: essays research papers

The Liberal Backbone of America Within the framework of democratic capitalism, the American Constitution and government structure have a fundamentally liberal backbone. Viewed as a social contract, the relationship between the state and the individual is expressed in the Constitution which dictates the liberal values intrinsically woven into American history. Combined with the Bill of Rights, the Constitution holds the representative government accountable for its actions and sets finite limits on the power it wields over the individual. A capitalist society such as that of the United States uses taxation and wealth distribution as a tool for controlling social equality, an unavoidable hypocrisy of liberal values in a democratic welfare state. Classical liberal values that hold the individual’s rights as paramount have been modernised to accommodate a mildly paternalistic social welfare system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Classical liberalism suggests that the state and society can be viewed as an immense social contract. In a liberal democratic country such as America, the constitution is the fundamental part of that social contract; it is a contract between the state and the civil society. The American constitution is a guide to legislation and its interpretation. An essentially liberal contract, the constitution binds not only the government, but also the people. Through the constitution, the people collectively commit to certain institutional procedures for managing public affairs and resolving social conflicts. The constitution not only limits the arbitrary power of the government, it also prevents public administration from being poisoned by people's short-term tempers and passions. Through the constitution, the people collectively commit to certain checks against those capricious human sentiments. A central liberal principle which the American constitution serves, is to limit and separate governmental power. The classically liberal distrust of majoritarian tyranny has continued into present-day American politics through its role in the Constitution. In a liberal constitutional system, there is an important difference between the constitution and ordinary laws. While ordinary laws can be modified or repealed to protect civil liberties by the national legislature, or be declared illegal or unconstitutional by the process of judicial review (Burns et al, 1993, p.21), the national legislature usually has no unilateral power to modify or repeal the constitution, and the judiciary has no power to declare the constitution illegal. For example, in the United States, the constitution can only be modified after the legislatures (or constitutional conventions) of two-thirds of the states approve, or by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress, followed by ratification from three-quar ters of the states or their ratification conventions (Burns et al, 1993, p.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Positivism in Mexico

â€Å"Positivism in Mexico was primarily and educational philosophy. It tried to break away with the colonial mentality and bring an intellectual emancipation so the modern Mexican mind could step into the future, free from the shackles of obscurantism, superstition and face the truths of science, order and progress. † Evaluate this assessment of positivism in Mexico. How accurate is it? What does it mean by facing â€Å"the truths of science†? What kind of educational innovations did it argue for? The Positive (and Negative) Truth about Mexican Positivism as a 19th Century Mexican Educational Reform Philosophy The assertion that: â€Å"Positivism in Mexico was primarily an educational philosophy. It tried to break away with the colonial mentality and bring an intellectual emancipation so the modern Mexican mind could step into the future, free from the shackles of obscurantism, superstition and face the truths of science, order and progress† (no source) is an accurate one. Further, according to â€Å"Comparative Social Movements: Mexico and the United States†: The Mexican Positivists were a group of elite intellectuals and social scientists that provided guidance and advice to Porfirio Diaz, the dictator that controlled Mexico from 1878 through the eve of the Mexican Revolution in 1910. The cientificos [sic] emphasized the incorporation of Mexico into the modern world system. This was to be accomplished through suppression of the indigenous and mestizo [sic] aspects of he culture and promotion of Mexico's â€Å"European† heritage. The combination of economic liberalization and political authoritarianism was the hallmark of Mexican Positivism. (December 16, 2002) Philosophies of the founder of sociology, Auguste Compte (â€Å"Sociological Positivism†; Auguste Compte), as applied to 19th century Mexican society, i. e. , Mexican Positivism, offered (or imposed, depending on one's viewpoint) educational and other innovations in the later 19th century and earliest years of the 20th (â€Å"The Porfiriato, 1876-1910†). To those nationals who supported Mexican Positivism (and there were many), â€Å"The positivism of Auguste Comte promised progress, discipline, and morality, together with freedom from the tyranny of theology† (Hutto). Further, Mexican Positivism, derived as it was from Compte, emphasized the encouragement of, and a focus upon, scientific inquiry into ways of achieving national social progress measures, while still maintaining the established social order, e. g. , a cornerstone Comptean ideal (Marti, â€Å"Positivism and Human Values: The Quest for a Social Ideal†, March 26, 1994). Mexican Positivism also espoused empirical, as opposed to abstract, definitions of and goals for social progress; as well as systematic strategies and methods for (as we would call it today) the continual improvement of society, or â€Å"Total Quality Management (TQM)† (â€Å"Social Positivism†; â€Å"August Compte†; â€Å"Sociology†). Mexican-born social philosophers like Jose Vasconcelos and Antonio Caso, however, were comparatively abstract, non-scientific thinkers by comparison. They were, in that sense, both relatively non-Mexican Positivists; that is, each favored a more holistic, less systematic integration of philosophy, science, art, education into already inherent (instead of externally-imposed, European-based) social values (Salmeron; Marti; â€Å"Jose Vasconcelos†; â€Å"Antonio Caso†; â€Å"Auguste Compte†). Vasconcelos, for example, was â€Å"in favour [sic] of the education of the masses and oriented the nation's education efforts along secular, civic, and pan-American (americanista) lines† (Wikipedia). Vasconcelos's ideals included, according to Salmeron (p. 267), the concept of: a living experimentalism in which concur, each one in its own function, the data of the senses, the rules of reason, the projects of the will, all in a harmony which engenders love. The ambition to bring into concert all the resources by which consciousness disposes to relate itself to the world and to penetrate more profoundly its own depths [emphasis added]. As for Caso, who was in many ways (although in a more purely academic sense) (Salmoneda), echoed Vasconcelos's ideological viewpoint: â€Å"Caso's thought is a reaction against positivism, an affirmation of liberty, of Christian roots, based on the conviction that man is a spiritual reality which constitutes the culmination of nature. † (Salmoneda, p. 267) In comparison to Vasconcelos and Caso, Compte, the â€Å"Grandfather† (â€Å"Sociology†) of positivism as an integrated social philosophy (â€Å"Auguste Compte†) might have instead espoused the importance of a quantifiable â€Å"blueprint† for Mexican social progress and educational innovation. That, then, could then be empirically tested, and its results quantified and studied, e. g. , a â€Å"science of society† (â€Å"Auguste Compte†). This would represent a systematic approach to measuring all areas of societal progress (or the lack of it), including education. (Salmoneda; â€Å"Auguste Compte†; â€Å"Sociology†). Such an approach, Compte no doubt would argue, would help Mexico, a â€Å"backward† (i. e. non-European) nation, to now be able to â€Å"face the truths of science, order and progress† [whatever those were. They were most likely European truths, which Mexico and Mexicans, being â€Å"backward†, simply had not â€Å"caught on† to yet]. Mexican Positivism had an especially strong, active, and influential supporter in Gabino Barreda. Barreda clearly regarded Mexican Positivism much more favorably than did either Vasconcelos or Caso. Perhaps this was due to his own (Paris-acquired) scientific and medical training, as well as his privileged social background (â€Å"The Porfiriato, 1876-1910†³; Hutto; Marti. Positivism and Human Values: The Quest for a Social Ideal†, March 26, 1994). Barreda was an intellectual, with a predilection for outcomes based on logic; his major concern was the establishment of the sciences and logic as the basal philosophy of education. . . He considered positivist principles necessary in order to educate â€Å"a new elite to guide Mexico in the positive era† (Hale, 1989). Curriculum was defined as â€Å"the encyclopedic learning of the sciences in an ordered hierarchy† hat would establish an intellectual order capable of preventing anarchy in all its forms, and thereby lead to the moral regeneration of society (Hale, 1989). Mexican positivism, embodied in the slogan â€Å"order and progress,† was the backbone of the modernization scheme supported by the cientificos, intellectual followers of Barreda. Led by Jose Ives Limantour, who served as adviser to Diaz, the cientificos developed a plan for economic recovery that was to be carried out through the next twenty-seven years of the Porfiriato. (â€Å"The Porfiriato, 1876-1910†) Mexican Positivism, then, indeed â€Å"tried to break away with the colonial mentality and bring an intellectual emancipation so the modern Mexican mind could step into the future, free from the shackles of obscurantism, superstition and face the truths of science, order and progress† (no source). Since the impetus for it came from a European movement, though, rather than from one that sprang from within the movement itself, the efforts of Mexican Positivism were met with mixed enthusiasm within Mexico itself, and also with mixed results. The Positivism in Mexico â€Å"Positivism in Mexico was primarily and educational philosophy. It tried to break away with the colonial mentality and bring an intellectual emancipation so the modern Mexican mind could step into the future, free from the shackles of obscurantism, superstition and face the truths of science, order and progress. † Evaluate this assessment of positivism in Mexico. How accurate is it? What does it mean by facing â€Å"the truths of science†? What kind of educational innovations did it argue for? The Positive (and Negative) Truth about Mexican Positivism as a 19th Century Mexican Educational Reform Philosophy The assertion that: â€Å"Positivism in Mexico was primarily an educational philosophy. It tried to break away with the colonial mentality and bring an intellectual emancipation so the modern Mexican mind could step into the future, free from the shackles of obscurantism, superstition and face the truths of science, order and progress† (no source) is an accurate one. Further, according to â€Å"Comparative Social Movements: Mexico and the United States†: The Mexican Positivists were a group of elite intellectuals and social scientists that provided guidance and advice to Porfirio Diaz, the dictator that controlled Mexico from 1878 through the eve of the Mexican Revolution in 1910. The cientificos [sic] emphasized the incorporation of Mexico into the modern world system. This was to be accomplished through suppression of the indigenous and mestizo [sic] aspects of he culture and promotion of Mexico's â€Å"European† heritage. The combination of economic liberalization and political authoritarianism was the hallmark of Mexican Positivism. (December 16, 2002) Philosophies of the founder of sociology, Auguste Compte (â€Å"Sociological Positivism†; Auguste Compte), as applied to 19th century Mexican society, i. e. , Mexican Positivism, offered (or imposed, depending on one's viewpoint) educational and other innovations in the later 19th century and earliest years of the 20th (â€Å"The Porfiriato, 1876-1910†). To those nationals who supported Mexican Positivism (and there were many), â€Å"The positivism of Auguste Comte promised progress, discipline, and morality, together with freedom from the tyranny of theology† (Hutto). Further, Mexican Positivism, derived as it was from Compte, emphasized the encouragement of, and a focus upon, scientific inquiry into ways of achieving national social progress measures, while still maintaining the established social order, e. . , a cornerstone Comptean ideal (Marti, â€Å"Positivism and Human Values: The Quest for a Social Ideal†, March 26, 1994). Mexican Positivism also espoused empirical, as opposed to abstract, definitions of and goals for social progress; as well as systematic strategies and methods for (as we would call it today) the continual improvement of society, or â€Å"Total Quality Management (TQM)† (â€Å"Social Positivism†; â€Å"August Compte†; â€Å"Sociology†). Mexican-born social philosophers like Jose Vasconcelos and Antonio Caso, however, were comparatively abstract, non-scientific thinkers by comparison. They were, in that sense, both relatively non-Mexican Positivists; that is, each favored a more holistic, less systematic integration of philosophy, science, art, education into already inherent (instead of externally-imposed, European-based) social values (Salmeron; Marti; â€Å"Jose Vasconcelos†; â€Å"Antonio Caso†; â€Å"Auguste Compte†). Vasconcelos, for example, was â€Å"in favour [sic] of the education of the masses and oriented the nation's education efforts along secular, civic, and pan-American (americanista) lines† (Wikipedia). Vasconcelos's ideals included, according to Salmeron (p. 267), the concept of: a living experimentalism in which concur, each one in its own function, the data of the senses, the rules of reason, the projects of the will, all in a harmony which engenders love. The ambition to bring into concert all the resources by which consciousness disposes to relate itself to the world and to penetrate more profoundly its own depths [emphasis added]. As for Caso, who was in many ways (although in a more purely academic sense) (Salmoneda), echoed Vasconcelos's ideological viewpoint: â€Å"Caso's thought is a reaction against positivism, an affirmation of liberty, of Christian roots, based on the conviction that man is a spiritual reality which constitutes the culmination of nature. † (Salmoneda, p. 67) In comparison to Vasconcelos and Caso, Compte, the â€Å"Grandfather† (â€Å"Sociology†) of positivism as an integrated social philosophy (â€Å"Auguste Compte†) might have instead espoused the importance of a quantifiable â€Å"blueprint† for Mexican social progress and educational innovation. That, then, could then be empirically tested, and its results quantified and studied, e. g. , a â€Å"science of society† (â€Å"Auguste Compte†). This would represent a systematic approach to measuring all areas of societal progress (or the lack of it), including education. Salmoneda; â€Å"Auguste Compte†; â€Å"Sociology†). Such an approach, Compte no doubt would argue, would help Mexico, a â€Å"backward† (i. e. non-European) nation, to now be able to â€Å"face the truths of science, order and progress† [whatever those were. They were most likely European truths, which Mexico and Mexicans, being â€Å"backward†, simply had not â€Å"caught on† to yet]. Mexican Positivism had an especially strong, active, and influential supporter in Gabino Barreda. Barreda clearly regarded Mexican Positivism much more favorably than did either Vasconcelos or Caso. Perhaps this was due to his own (Paris-acquired) scientific and medical training, as well as his privileged social background (â€Å"The Porfiriato, 1876-1910†³; Hutto; Marti. Positivism and Human Values: The Quest for a Social Ideal†, March 26, 1994). Barreda was an intellectual, with a predilection for outcomes based on logic; his major concern was the establishment of the sciences and logic as the basal philosophy of education. . . He considered positivist principles necessary in order to educate â€Å"a new elite to guide Mexico in the positive era† (Hale, 1989). Curriculum was defined as â€Å"the encyclopedic learning of the sciences in an ordered hierarchy† hat would establish an intellectual order capable of preventing anarchy in all its forms, and thereby lead to the moral regeneration of society (Hale, 1989). Mexican positivism, embodied in the slogan â€Å"order and progress,† was the backbone of the modernization scheme supported by the cientificos, intellectual followers of Barreda. Led by Jose Ives Limantour, who served as adviser to Diaz, the cientificos developed a plan for economic recovery that was to be carried out through the next twenty-seven years of the Porfiriato. â€Å"The Porfiriato, 1876-1910†) Mexican Positivism, then, indeed â€Å"tried to break away with the colonial mentality and bring an intellectual emancipation so the modern Mexican mind could step into the future, free from the shackles of obscurantism, superstition and face the truths of science, order and progress† (no source). Since the impetus for it came from a European movement, though, rather than from one that sprang from within the movement itself, the efforts of Mexican Positivism were met with mixed enthusiasm within Mexico itself, and also with mixed results.